John Aizlewood
Our Vision: We want to get closer to God through prayer, to serve people
in our community in new ways and to grow more in faith and membership.
Parish Communion services - see 'Services' for all weekly services
St. John's Church building is open for Private prayer
Daily from 09:00-15:00 on Weekdays and 09:00 to 16:00 at Weekends (subject to internal building works and volunteer availability).
Visit our Facebook page.
Help us to raise funds from your online shopping for free by registering at:
Ways to donate to our Parish.....
All these options are very much appreciated and make a very valuable contribution to the finances of the parish.
These options have now been added to with the Parish Giving Scheme.
Along with other churches in our diocese and throughout the Church of England, we have now joined the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), a simple way to give regularly to support our ministry. This option means that a lot of the administration is completed centrally, including claiming the gift aid for us.
This really improves the cash flow for the parish, so please can you think about switching to this system. Please ask Peter Collinge or John Aizlewood about this and we can provide a leaflet for you to help you understand the benefits. Or you can scan the QR code below.
Support your local church
A very big thank you for the generosity of local businesses and Parishioners who have helped to raise funds in 2024. We need to meet an enormous challenge to raise funds to make repairs to the church roof and tower to restore the building and prevent water ingress. There will be many fund raising events being added to the Church Events Calendar in 2025.
We need about £130,000. Urgent repair work started in the autumn of 2024 and has already prevented water from entering the building in the South Vestry and to the North above the kitchen and Nave. There is still a lot of work to do to prevent the water entering the tower in 2025. Thankfully, Blackburn Diocese have generously offered to make a loan to us, to allow a start to the work and then pay back this loan from the fund raising activities. Our Grants Officer , Canon Mike Chew has also succeeded in us being awarded substantial amounts to help this effort. We still have a long way to go to meet our commitments to make the building watertight for years to come.
If you are able to support us in any way, either to help run events or make donations, please contact us using the website link.
Thank you. Peter and John, Church Warden's
Weekly Events
Our Mission: We exist to offer faithful worship to God, to share the good
news of the Kingdom and to care for those we know to be in need.
Maundy Thursday 17th 6:30 p.m. Communion Service
Good Friday 18th 10:00 a.m. Reflective service
Easter Sunday 20th 10:00 a.m. = Parish Communion
As a church, we rely on the willing donations of many to provide the finances that both maintain our buildings and provide care and support to all those in the local community.
Although some use standing orders or other methods of online giving, many donors use cash, either in the plate or in weekly planned giving envelopes. As good stewards, although at present we are unable to meet together in our church buildings, we are still the church and together we share the privilege and responsibility of ensuring that the ministry can go on and we can continue to be a symbol of God’s presence in our local communities.
Even though the doors of the buildings are presently closed, there are many ways of giving to support our local church. There are some suggestions below on how you can help: -
For church members:
For those who use online banking, the easiest way is to set up a standing order. In order for you to do this our bank sort code is 40-15-17 and account number is 41437399.
Email our treasurer and ask for a standing order form. My email address is . You can print this out and post it to your bank (the address will be on your cheque book).
As an individual you could set up an account with a giving agent like Stewardship or Charites Aid Foundation.
If you are unable to use one of these methods, please continue to prepare your Giving Envelopes and bring them all when the church buildings reopen
Please remember that you can also support the Parish by using easy fundraising using this address, and it cost you absolutely nothing.
Promoting a Safer Church
As a parish we have adopted the House of Bishops ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ policy and the Parish Safeguarding Handbook, incorporating the House of Bishop’s Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance.
Our PCC has formally adopted this and signed the Safeguarding Policy Statement Promoting a Safer Church.
Details of our parish safeguarding officer can be found in the box above on this page.
We have also displayed the Promoting a Safer Church poster prominently within our parish
All those working with children and adults at risk have undergone safer recruitment, received safeguarding training and support.
Parish Safeguarding Handbook (click here)
Phase 1 - Roof repairs completed to the South Vestry. Before this was completed, rain poured into the building. We thank you for your generosity in allowing this work to protect the church building to begin. Please help us to meet the phase 2 challenge - to fix the water leaks to the Tower, work due to start in April 2025